‘Allegory’ RWA Bristol May 23-July 21. I am exhibiting my dark triptych and two drawings in ‘Allegory’.  The exhibition is curated by Fiona Robinson for the Kenny Gallery at the RWA .

The show contains stories about migration and displacement.  The exhibition includes work by Charmaine Watkiss, Karl Singporewala, Beth Carter, Ian Middleton and Seyed Edalatpor.

‘Blind Man’s Bluff’, ‘Grotesque Dance’ and ‘Folly’ form a triptych. They are a linked series of allegorical paintings with a personal narrative painted with reference to Goya. This work was made during a time of political upheaval and a pandemic. I used painting to channel my feelings about these issues.

My drawings ‘Bird Talk’ and ‘Don’t Kick the Pigeon’, which are in ‘Allegory’, symbolically represent different attitudes towards life and the world.

Allegory can contain hidden meanings which can remain enigmatic.